Saturday, October 31, 2015

Week 9

October 26th - 31st

Day 1
WOD 151026
Z1 – back injury

Day 2
WOD 151027

A1. 18sec AD sprint, rest 2:45 then A2  22/20/15/16/14/15
A2. 15sec sled push @ 450#, rest 2:45 then back to A1, x 6  not measured.
B. 4 x AMRAP (-1) cgbp 245#  4/4/4/5 from last week, rest 2-3min btw sets 
C. 4 x AMRAP (-1) weighted pull-ups @ 65#, rest 2-3min btw sets  4/4/4/4
D. 1 set strict hspu to failure
E. 10min flexibility

Day 3
WOD 151028

A.  6x750m @ 1:48 – 1:49 pace, rest 2:30 btw sets
Could not maintain pace due to back pain

Day 4
WOD 151029


Day 5
WOD 151030
A. EMOM 10:00 – 1 thruster, build each set, start @ 165, 185, 195, 205, 207.5, 215, 225, 235, 245F
B1. ctb cluster – 3. 3. 3. 3, rest 10sec @ dots, rest 1min then B2
B2. thruster cluster @ 80% of A 185# – 2. 2. 2. 2, rest 15sec @ dots, rest 2min then back to B1, x 2
-rest 6-8min-
C. EMOM 10:00
3 ctb pull-ups
1 thruster @ 85-90% of A 205 for 1st 5 sets.  185 for last.


300 double unders for time in as few sets as possible  4:28
C. body maintenance

Day 6
WOD 151031
A. 10-15min – build 3RM front squat
-rest/prep as needed-
B. EMOM 15:00
minutes 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 – 3 squat cleans @ 80% of A
minutes 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 – 3 wall climbs
minutes 2, 5, 8, 11, 14 – 3 muscle-ups
-rest to 23:00 on timer-
C. 6 rounds for time of:
200m run
10 kb swings – 24kg

5 pull-ups

Monday, October 19, 2015

Week 8

October 19th - 24th

Day 1
WOD 151019

A. 6 x 750m, rest 2:50 btw sets
1:47.8/2:41.7        1:47.8/2:41.7        1:47.8/2:41.7       1:47.8/2:41.8       1:47.8/2:41.8          1:47.8/2:41.8
B. 4 x AMRAP (-1) cgbp +5lb  240# from last week, rest 2-3min btw sets  5/5/5/4
C. 4 x AMRAP (-1) weighted pull-ups @ 60 #, rest 2-3min btw sets  5/4/4/4
D. 1 set strict hspu to failure  7
E. 10min flexibility

Day 2
WOD 151020

A1. 18sec AD sprint, rest 2:45 then A2  16/19/19/20/17/16
A2. 15sec sled push @ 425#, rest 2:45 then back to A1, x 6  84/78/70/49/50/50

A. 10min to build single rep snatch, rest exactly 5min then B  215#

Day 3
WOD 151021

A1. AMRAP (-2) clean grip deadlift @ 305#, rest 30sec then A2
A2. 100’ sled tow w/long straps – keep sled @ 350#, rest 2-3min then back to A1, x 3-4
-rest as needed-
B. 10 sets @ 90% aerobic effort
15 cal – AD
1-2 squat clean thruster @ 165#
8-10 ghd sit-ups  done
D. practice flexibility

Day 4
WOD 151022


Day 5
WOD 151023

A. 10-15min Power Clean Practice – you pick drills, do not exceed 75-95#
-rest/prep as needed-
B. EMOM 8:00 – 1 power clean, load bar each minute until you reach limit… if you fail a rep, rest to top of minute and try again… if you fail again, shut it down… start at 165#
rest to 10:00, then C (85% of B… you will only have 2min to get barbell set up at 85% of heaviest rep of B)
C. AMRAP 8:00 @ 85% effort
3 power clean @ 8% of B
15 wall balls
rest 5:00
18 wall climbs for time  
D. 10min flexibility

Day 6

Back felt awful

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Week 7

October 12th - 17th

Day 1

A. Aerobic Power Test
5000m time trial
B. 4 x AMRAP (-1) cgbp 235, rest 2-3min btw sets  5/5/5/4
C. 4 x AMRAP (-1) weighted pull-ups @ 55#, rest 2-3min btw sets  3/4/4/4
D. 1 set strict hspu to failure  6 reps

Day 2

A1. 12sec AD sprint, rest 2min then A2  21/20/16/14/10/11
A2. 12sec sled push @ 400#, rest 2min then back to A1, x 6  75.5/56.5/51/53/51/50.5

(repeat 150922, but do OHS)
A. 10min to build single rep ohs… approach this with AMRAP (-1) mentality, rest exactly 5min then B
B. For time @ 80-85% effort  8:11 @185#
ohs @ 80% of A
34” box jumps
rest 6-8min then C
C. For time @ 85% effort  5:16 @185#
ohs @ 85-90% of A
34” box jumps
C. body maintenance

Day 3

A1. AMRAP (-2) snatch grip deadlift @ 300#, rest 30sec then A2
A2. 100’ sled tow w/long straps – keep sled @ 350#, rest 2-3min then back to A1, x 3-4
-rest as needed-
B. 10 sets @ 90% aerobic effort 19:14
15 cal – AD
1 med ball clean w/95# stone
8-10 ghd sit-ups
D. practice flexibility

Day 4

A. 30-60min Z1 activity
B. accumulate 90sec of SB + 2min of FLR
C. Yoga or body maintenance

Day 5
(repeat 150925)

A. 10-15min Clean & Jerk Practice – you pick drills, do not exceed 75-95#
-rest/prep as needed-
B. EMOM 8:00 – 1 clean & jerk, load bar each minute until you reach limit… if you fail a rep, rest to top of minute and try again… if you fail again, shut it down… start at 135#
rest to 10:00, then C (85% of B… you will only have 2min to get barbell set up at 85% of heaviest rep of B)
C. AMRAP 8:00 @ 80% effort
1 clean & jerk @ 85% of B
2 rope ascents
100 double unders
rest 5:00  3+2 Rope ascents
100 wall balls for time  4:04

D. 10min flexibility

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Week 6

October 5th - 10th

Day 1

A. Aerobic Power Intervals
5 x 1000m row, rest 3:45 btw sets
1:46.9 (3:33.8)
1:47 (3:34)
1:46.8 (3:33.7)
1:46.4 (3:32.9)
1:47.1 (3:34.2)
B. 4 x AMRAP (-1) cgbp 230# from last week, rest 2-3min btw sets  6/6/5/4
C. 4 x AMRAP (-1) weighted pull-ups @ 55#, rest 2-3min btw sets  3/3/3/3

Day 2

A1. 12sec AD sprint, rest 2min then A2  18/17/16/17/15/14
A2. 12sec sled push @ 375#, rest 2min then back to A1, x 6  62’/56’/24’/54’/34’/58’

(repeat 150908)
A. 12min to build 1RM clean & jerk, rest exactly 5min then B  245#
B. AMRAP 4:00 @ 85% effort  1+8  Failed on 3rd C&J / 1+13
5 wall climbs
3 c & j @ 85% of A
10 unbroken double unders
rest 10-12min, x 2
C. body maintenance

I believe I was sick the rest of this week.