Saturday, September 19, 2015

Week 3

September 14 - 19th

Day 1
A. 4 x AMRAP (-1) cgbp 215# rest 2-3min btw sets  8/7/6/6
B. 4 x AMRAP (-1) weighted pull-ups @ 40#, rest 2-3min btw sets  6/5/5/6
C. 1 set strict hspu to failure  6
3:33 (1:46.5)
3:32.7 (1:46.3)
3:31.3 (1:45.6)
D. Aerobic Power Intervals
3 x 1000m row, rest 3:55 btw sets 

Day 2
A1. 12sec AD sprint, rest 2min then A2  16/16/?/14/12/13
A2. 12sec sled push @ 300#, rest 2min then back to A1, x 6  93’3/87’/72’5/47’/61’7

A. 12min to build 1RM hang power snatch, rest exactly 5min  135/155/165/175/185/195/205 ugly
B. AMRAP 6:00 @ 85% effort
4 t2b
8 wall balls to 11’
2 hang power snatch @ 80% of B
rest 6-8min then C  165#  5+12
C. AMRAP 4:00 @ 85% effort
1 hang power snatch @ 90% of B
3 burpee muscle-ups  185#  4 rounds

Day 3
A1. AMRAP (-2) snatch grip deadlift @ 280#, rest 30sec then A2  2/3/3/3
A2. 100’ sled tow w/long straps – 315#, rest 2-3min then back to A1, x 3-4
-rest as needed-
B. 30 tgu – 24kg, total reps, alt arms, perform 6 unbroken ctb pull-ups @ 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, 12:00…
-rest as needed-  16:38
C1. 10 ghd sit-ups, rest 30sec then C2
C2. 30sec Sorenson hold, rest 30sec then back to C1, x 5
D. practice flexibility

Day 4
5 rounds:
10:00 AD
:30 FLR and SB R&L

Day 5
A. 10-15min Snatch Practice – you pick drills, do not exceed 75-95#
-rest/prep as needed-
B. EMOM 8:00 – 1 snatch, load bar each minute until you reach limit… if you fail a rep, rest to top of minute and try again… if you fail again, shut it down… start at 135#
rest to 10:00, then C (85% of B… you will only have 2min to get barbell set up at 85% of heaviest rep of B)  135/155/165/185/195 F/195 F/195
C. AMRAP 8:00 @ 80% effort
1 snatch @ 85% of B  165#
2 rope ascents
200m run
rest 3:45  4+ Run to street
20 strict hspu for time  3/3/3/3/3/3/2  4:38

Day 6
Barbell set @ 95#
A. AMRAP 2:00 @ 80% effort, x 2  10 BJ / 11 BJ
200m run
30 deadlifts
25 bjsd – 24”
rest 4min then B
B. AMRAP 2:00 @ 80% effort, x 2  1+15 / 1+11
10 hang power clean to overhead
10 burpees over bar
rest 4min then C
C. AMRAP 2:00 @ 80% effort, x 2  2 / 2+3
10 ohs
30 double unders

rest 10-15min then repeat A + B + C

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